Managing Customer Leads

The Customer Leads page lets you upload phone numbers to leads.

Ensure you have added a SIP Connection prior to uploading numbers.

To upload numbers:
1. From the Live CX drop-down list, choose Live CXOpen Services Page.

The table below describes the parameters in this page.



Full Name

Name of the customer.

Service Name

Name of the service.

Channel Name

Name of the attached channel.


Deployment status (see Deploy Status and Status Indicators).

Consented On

The time and date when the customer service was deployed.

Last Modified

The time and date when the service was last updated. For example, numbers uploaded.

2. Open the for the Customer Lead that you wish to upload numbers, and then choose Upload Numbers.

3. From the Calling Profile drop-down, choose the Calling Profile to apply to the number.
4. From the Customer SIP Connection drop-down, choose the PSTN SIP Connection to apply to the number.
5. In the Service Info field, enter the name of the Service for which you are uploading. This field is used by the Metering service.
6. Click Export Example to open a CSV file including example phone numbers. All numbers should be configured in E.164 format.

Phone number validation rules are in accordance with E.164. The E.164 format requires the following:

A + sign.
Country calling code (international).
Local area code.
Local telephone number or subscriber number.

The number has the following structure: [+][country code][area code][subscriber number].

Example United States Telephone number: +12127881500

Country code: 1
Area code: 212
Subscriber number: 7881500

The figure below shows how to configure the cells with the '+' value before the country code prefix.

7. Do one of the following:
Click Add Number to add individual numbers.

From the drop-down, choose either Single or Range.
Enter the number to upload and then click Submit.

A confirmation message is displayed.

Click Import File to import a CSV file containing a list of numbers. Click Export Example to export a template file.

Browse to the location of the file.

Click Import.

The number of valid and invalid entries in the CSV file are indicated. Close the dialog.

8. Click Submit (click to remove the entry).

A confirmation message is displayed.

9. Click the Numbers Management tab. Search for your customer and view the new numbers that you have just added.